Welcome to Eraedael!

Welcome to Eraedael, my friend; you're in for an amazing ride-- should you choose to stick around. You've just stepped foot into a pbp forum, that is like no other. We run on a stat-based, very table-top-esque, system. We strive to perfectly blend creativity with rules and guidelines. We try to keep everything as simple as possible; this means that we don't use any dice, and that our skill system is fairly straightforward.

As for the setting, well, once again I point to your classical table-top rpg. We do indeed have elves, dwarfs, and humans; however, each race is set with an entirely unique story, that truly fits into the game. Nothing is shoe-horned into our lore, here at Eraedael. We also boast a few unique races, like the giant, white-skinned, horned mereven.

If anything I've said so far sounds interesting, or enticing in the least, then I implore you to look at the starting guide below. You may also like to click the lore button up above, which will take you to our wiki, where you can browse the lore. Happy-writing role-players. I truly hope to see you in the game.

Getting Started

Starting Guide Link
Rather than simply throwing you to the wolves, and forcing you to wander our site aimlessly, the staff has kindly put together a starting guide which is linked above. Additionally, if one wanted to browse the site a bit before they joined, there is a list of reading-- some of which is required for new members anyway, and with some simply being extremely useful and interesting knowledge.

    Required Reading:
  • - Rules
  • - Setting
  • - Races
  • - Stat System and Character Development

    Suggested Reading:
  • - Magic
  • - Gods & Goddesses
  • - The Kingdoms & Cities
  • - Skill Page

Gamewide Annoucments


Featured Character

Laureanis Swifthorn

  • Race: Mereven
  • Occupation: Tribal Shaman
  • Location: Hardsleet Woods, Uaciban

Read his Tales

Featured Threads

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